EP 16 – Logistics and Delivery – Did Someone Say Hyperloop? – Martin Ronfort and Michael Waitze

Aug 15, 2021

Martin Ronfort, the founder of DrTech, and Michael Waitze, the founder of Michael Waitze Media spent some time this episode discussing their thoughts on Logistics and Delivery in the eCommerce space.

Some of the topics we discussed included:

  • Amazon predicted in 2013 that “the future of last-mile delivery lay in robots”.
  • Do enough people really want drones delivering things to their homes or condos?
  • Amazon and other companies have shifted to sidewalk delivery robots Sidewalk delivery robots may be cute, but does anybody really want this either?
  • How do sidewalk delivery robots work in suburbs or cities with crowded or poorly maintained sidewalks…
  • A persistent view that people want to interact with other humans, not robots
  • Did someone say Hyperloop?

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